
To Spring and New Beginings

Spring is upon us once again. As the sun shines, it highlights all of the beauty around us that has been hiding in the typical gloomy weather of the PNW. Everywhere you look, everything seems to be coming to life. It’s like a rainbow; the promise of warm weather, blooming flowers, and an end to the seasonal depression we often find ourselves in towards the end of winter. It also promises new life (hello, birds and bees!) and of better things to come.

This line of thinking has been on my mind for some time now. No, I’m not talking about baby #2. I’m talking about other new beginnings; new endeavors. It’s easy for us adults to get used to the day-to-day and I believe all it takes to break free of that is a new perspective. Now I’m not going to lie, this has been a nest egg that I’ve been sitting on for quite some time. In fact, this blog and my entrance into the blogging sphere is one of my newest creations. I have been planning on it, researching it, and now have hatched it. I wanted to start something new; challenge myself to realize one of my long time ambitions. All it took was a new perspective.
Every great invention and every great innovation began inside a mind that thinks outside the box. The norm and narrow-mindedness keeps us attentive on moving forward and trying to get by. But a broader point of view looks outide the norm and tries to come up with ways to produce change. The life we live is the life we set up for ourselves, and it is never too late to change course. No matter where you are at, everything is within reach. All you have to do is figure out how your particular situations influence your abilities to reach your goals, and then think of new and inventive ways of how you can make those situations work for you or how to simply bypass them. The only boundaries we have are those of the mind that we set up ourselves.

Time is a commodity no one seems to have enough of these days. Those with families have it particularly hard. If you are not the parent who spends more of their time working to provide for the family, then chances are you are the parent spending most of their time busy with the children. But even us parents have dreams and goals of things we want to accomplish. It may be a business, it may be a hobby, or it may be a new project or adventure. But it’s there; the desire to do something outside of your immediate responsibilities. It is a fast-paced world we live in, and there is a fear inside of us that if we stop going with the flow there will be a price to pay. But that is the only way to change course. You need to stop. Think. Turn. And move forward. Ambition is what gives us the desire to keep going. We want to achieve something and the challenge to get there is as exciting and invigorating as the actual achievement in itself.

So I challenge you, dear readers, to take a minute and stop. Think about what your possibly secret ambitions are and then come up with outlandish ways you can make it happen for yourself. Keep thinking about it. The more you think about it, the more you will realize that those outlandish ideas are not so outlandish afterall.

What are some goals or ambitions you have been bottling up? Are you someone who has already gone down this path into a clear success? Tell me about it! Share your thoughts or any input you may have in the comments.